
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:53:51
谁帮我写两篇英语短文,急用两篇英语短文-记暑假里的一件事和记寒假里的一件事.150字左右. 2.“Have you seen the film?” he asked me.→He asked me _______.A.had I seen the film B.have I seen the film C.if I have seen the film D.whether I had se en the film 为什么选D,C为什么不可以 have the seen film you yhave the seen film you yet 连词成句, acknowledge和admiteg.Many people no longer ______ him as their president. 是选acknowledge吗? 我考播音主持 需要一个没有语病能大致表达意思的英文自我介绍.没有语病时态之类的错误.要表达出我的自信能表达出我自信活泼开朗,喜欢文学热爱生活爱看电影,对语言有高度敏感和热爱. 英语翻译A difficult problem with learning in many real-world domains is that the concept of interest may depend on some hidden context,not given explicitly in the form of predictive features.A typical example is weather prediction rules that may 英语翻译Dear SIr:Good day to you How is everything.Could you please refer attached file?This is solder iron tip for Japan Brand.there is various type of iron tip and we arelooking for these local made parts.If you can made these compatible parts, 英语翻译福娃是北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物,其色彩与灵感来源于奥林匹克五环、来源于中国人们喜爱的动物形象.福娃向世界各地的孩子们传递友谊、和平、积极进取的精神和人与自然和 英语翻译那位达人能翻译下这首歌演唱者Barry Manilow 歌曲CopaCabana Her name was Lola,she was a showgirl With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there She would merengue and do the cha-cha And while she tried to be a 英语翻译从很多地方都听过这首歌 现在也想不起来在哪听到过了一般都是用在哪呢 是马戏团吗 还是什么游乐场的 copacabana关于这首歌这首歌的背景是什么,演唱是谁 如何培养中职生英语阅读理解能力求解 英语翻译LEXISNEXIS SUMMARY:However,the baby is born with defects,and a conflict arises between the surrogate mother and the couple as to how much medical treatment the baby should receive....When an incompetent patient must make a decision about 英语翻译1.以上价格为最终优惠价(含增值税,含运费);2.预付30%合同生效,余款70%到后发货;3.交货期为合同生效后35天;4.报价有效期30天.1.以上价格为最终优惠价(含增值税,含运费);更改 1. It is Sunday today .I am(f ) how do you think of finding your dream job via internet? 麻烦大家帮我修改语病{英文自我评价}如果有类似更好的也可以3QCheerful,active,optimistic,loving a wide range,with strong organizational skills and adaptability,and has a good physique.Along harmonious rapport with his colle 自我评价 英语本人性格活泼外向,思维敏捷,品质良好,诚信守时,对待工作认真负责,主动积极.在学校期间积累了一定的处事经验和工作能力,活络但不失沉稳,做事脚踏实地,有恒心有耐心;专业 despite和in spite of请问两者的区别和用法是什么?最好有比较好的例句解释~ 英语翻译中国中低收入家庭住房保障的现状和建议摘要:住房问题关系到千家万户,是人民群众切身利益之所在.而解决城镇的中低收入家庭住房问题更是广大群众的强烈呼声,也是让全体人民 英语翻译绿松石是四大名石之一,且历史悠久,在公元前就被人所熟知,并一直为人们所鉴赏.特别是近年来受国际时尚领域对民族风格和自然色彩推崇的影响,市场对绿松石的需求十分旺盛,绿松 僵尸尖啸中的任务eat 10 brains without exceeding 5 zombies in the horde 这个任务怎么做,看翻译了没看懂啊! 英语翻译如题,不要用机器直译的哈 如题,不要机器直译的哈!我的英语水平有限,摘要 重庆具有两江交汇的天然地理优势,是发展水运物流的黄金水道。加上重庆直辖,三峡大坝的修建, spare the first 3 pedestrians!僵尸尖啸任务!怎么完成? 英语翻译2.1 Strengthening Mechanism and Features of“NANOHITEN”NANOHITEN (NANO:New Application of NanoObstacles for Dislocation Movement) is a type of hightensile strength steel which satisfi es both the abovementionedhole expansionability and 僵尸尖啸中任务 sell a lottery ticket 是出售彩票的意思吗,还是什么.这个怎么过啊,不是买彩票,我试了,买彩票不行.怎么么做才能过这个,才是出售彩票?我的没越狱 I am sorry to have kept you waiting.这句话的谓语是? my car is quite old ,------ there isn't anything wrong with itmy car is quite old ,------ there isn't anything wrong with it.A and B therefore C however D but What can we do to our good friends what ary your parents 改为同意 两种 this is my friend改为复数形式_____ ____our____ Scan-Trans Beijing 是什么公司?中文怎么翻译? ------- go wrong with the motor,he stopped his carA)Feeling something go B)Feeling something gone C)To feel something going D)Having felt someting gone,为什么不选D,feel这个动作不是先于stop发生吗?