
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:15:25
Happy Christmas and best wishes for you! best wishes for you and him happy forever 有没有语法错误? you have done such a thimg that i really hate you的翻译 填空题求答案 主语+调语+宾语+方式状语+地点状语+方式状语形式的英语 英语翻译“增加,补充说”v 和“增加,添加”n 英语翻译 America、USA和US各有什么区别吗? 关于山顶洞人为什么说山顶洞人生活在距今约 1.8 万年,但中国华北地区旧石器时代晚期的人类化石.属晚期智人.因发现于北京市周口店龙骨山北京人遗址顶部的山顶洞而得名.1930年发现﹐1933 考古学家可以通过出土化石和遗迹推断古人类的生活,请你就山顶洞人遗址出土的骨针和装饰品展开合理的推测:骨针的出土说明了什么?山顶洞人为什么要制造和使用装饰品? 山顶洞人历史地位是—( )例:元谋人的历史地位是—(我国已知最早人类) 山顶洞人的体质特征:生产工具:用火:生活方式和观念: {Li ping is mother } has a red bike .对画线部分提问 金色祖国诗歌朗诵稿注意:朗诵日期在9月27日,在9月22日前交上来!好的话可以加分! coat,your,red,is,mother,a,in?连词成句 Helen has done her homework 改为现在进行时 的句子 以上海为例 一般过去时和现在/过去完成时有什么区别?请解析下面两个例句.I played tennis afternoon.I had played tennis afternoon. has He done homework his 连词成句 Has your brother done his homework_?-----Yes.he has _done it.A already;already B ever;already C yet;already D yet;yetlook at 与 look for He has done his homework是不是就有两种意思 The woman in red is my English teacher.______ woman is your English teacher?填疑问词 1.我们应该多花点时间读英语.2你是游泳俱乐部的成员吗?3不要忘记画完那幅画明天带到学校来4.我们不应该看太多的电视,电视对我们的眼睛不好.用英语说 It's high time that we all__.A:took it seriously B:took is serious B:take it seriouly D:take it serious 选哪个 High time的中文意思 黄泥螺的英文还有一些上海特产怎么说啊 为什么是SOMEONE LIKE YOU而不是SOMEONE IS LIKE YOU?还有LIFE LIKE LOVE这句话对吗? Life is like a multiple choice question.Sometimes,the choices confuse you,not the question.微博上看到的一句话 the choices错了吧?要么choices,要么the choice吧? Mike likes the blue coat.画线部分提问画线的是:the blue 把“his coat is blue.”对coat提问 Mike is from (sydney).(对画线部分提问)括号代表了线, michael's eyes are blue对画线部分提问_____________are michael's eyes?that is kang kang's shirt.对画线部分提问____ _____ is that?