
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 18:07:58
为什么从1919年到1949年是中国现代史时期? 求高手翻译一句话:Love Is More Thicker Than Forget .More Seldom Than a wave IS Wet man, i will feel your real love with my heard什么意思 Make a good dream汉语是什么 中国现代史地图!我要现代史的,最好解放战争,抗日战争其次.且要整幅的,不要只有区域. I Want to get your love again let me try ,i want [ to get ] your {love . “l want to get your love,but l don't get your.Becase your have to her! it is possible that there was more than one attacker为什么用was不用were?两者及以上的啊 译Is it possible for you to add something more to that 5% it is more than a game翻译一下 英语翻译是可能性很小的意思吗? There is n_______more relaxing than it. Good night and have a sweet dream with you是什么意思,谢谢~ have a good dream.sweet dream 求catti 三级笔译综合能力05年以后的真题~ 跪求catti 三级笔译综合能力05年以后的真题 跪求catti 三级笔译综合能力05年以后的真题~如果还有口译综合能力的真题就更好了, 谁有2012 catti三级笔译的真题和参考答案![笔译综合能力]和[实务]都要! Only you can give me that feeling这句英语翻译成中文是什么意思? 关于孔子、秦始皇、蔡伦、华佗、曹操的历史小故事 If only I________what you wanted!A.knew B.know C.had known D.have known The man in the car ourteacher 翻译英文 歌曲:The farmer in the dell的中英文翻译 CATTI三级笔译的及格分数是多少?CATTI三级笔译的综合能力和笔译实务的分数都及格才算通过呢还是两个分数加起来再取60%?分别取多少分才算及格?有没有优秀,良好之类的? CATTI二级与三级的区别鄙人四六级成绩还行,已过BEC高级,请问CATTi报名需要达到什么水平才可以?二级和三级的难度差距特别大吗? -What do you think of Sandra?-She's a girl of___words,she is often quiet.A.little B.much C.few D.many 1.She is a girl______________what people think of her.(sensitive) 这个女孩对别人对她的看法很敏感2.We need a man_________________the good from the bad.(sort)我们需要一个能辨别好坏的人3.___________________the war will be won Good night baby,sweet dream 谁能把它翻译成中文? I be to would help glad you.(连词成句) She hopes she ____(be) able to help more people in need.Would you please_____(not trouble) him?帮 I need more i() to help you