
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:37:43
He's about 28,I think,and is rather good-looking.这里的rather什么意思?怎么用的?高一外研必修一课文 he and I am good student中的错误 求一篇命题作文:终于实现了梦想,字数600字以上. 命题作文妈妈的心愿妈妈的心愿命题作文 命题作文 我的愿望 200字 将下列句子进行同义句转换,谢谢1.I have big eyes.2.She has long hair.3.He has small feet.4.They have round faces.5.You has black hair.6.It has short legs.7.We have small ears.8.They have big heads.9.She has a long face.10.It has a long no Do you think luck and opportunity contributes more to success than diligence does?Why? Ways to success:do you think success is due more to luck and opportunity than efforts?Why?作文和长对话都行 关于古诗句或者文言文用来讽刺别人的,一女的,以为自己很漂亮,就孤高自傲,还损人.求高人给一句超给力的古诗句、文言文都行,最好命中其要害.杀她个片甲不留,以解心头之愤怒. thst's a desk over there.(变为复数句子)怎么变 错误的时间遇到了对的人,结果只能那样错过...若幸福再次临近,我定会紧紧抓住,不会再错过“她”!麻烦帮下句改写成文言文或古诗句!希望含蓄、唯美些.别太长,写在Q签名里的感激不尽啊!2 I ()she is a good singer a.look b.think c.listen 抒情散文、倾吐心声初三作文 she is good-looking对good-looking提问 关于学业的倾吐心声抒情散文开头 求一篇600字内的倾吐心声的抒情散文求大神帮助 求一篇有关心愿的抒情散文 要求600字 要有水平 有没有什么古诗句或者古文里的句子是讽刺女人的! 如何"倾吐心声"? 什么词性的词能当补语 todo 分词 doing 应该都可以吧 有什么不同吗 倾吐心声的作文 请将如下英文sould.I,the,you,think,new,dictionary,look,word,up,every,in连词成句 -Can you tell me the m___ of the word?-Sorry,you should look it up in the dictionary. These results seem to suggest that we are more actively than we I think this thing was more important than anythis else at that time.改写同义句 that boys are weighted more important than girls我想问一下more important than girls在此句中的的语法作用That boys are weighted more important than girls can give rise to curious situations 翻译为重男轻女引起许多奇怪现象 急求古诗词接句( ),飞入寻常百姓家.九曲黄河万里沙,( ) ( ),人迹板桥霜.( ),没在石棱中.( ),北风吹雁雪纷纷.( ),树阴照水爱晴柔.( ),春潮带雨晚来急,. 古诗接句,在线等!风雨送春归,_________.出自: . 全诗:----. 四轮驱动汽车是怎样传动的? 古诗接句江山代有才人出下一句是啥 哈弗m1四驱版是什么四驱?这车怎么样? 接古诗句细水浮花归别涧,(下句)____(元好问《淮右》)沧海月明珠有泪,________________(李商隐《锦瑟》)