来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:35:05
the _______(mean) of "nation" is "country" 28.I think the headmaster is a rigid man who lacks of a ____ of humour.A、 air B、 touch C、 gas D、 sense 当k=____时,x²-kxy与y²+3xy-5的和不含xy项十分钟内速求好评 当k=什么时,x2-kxy与y2 3xy-5的和中不含xy项 I'm going to visit my aunt this Sunday.Do you want me to __ any messagesA.pass onB.pass byC.leaveD.carry 帮忙写篇英语作文.题目you are going to visit your Aunt Monica in the countryside.在信中要有以下几点1.thank her for her invitation 2.tell her when you are going to arrive 3.describe what you hope to do there 英语选择when are you going to leave?The train ____ at 6:00 a.m.a.left b.leave c.leaves 英语选择题---are you going to be after graduation?I want to go to -----sea..A.What,/ B.Who,/---are you going to be after graduation?I want to go to -----sea..A.What,/ B.Who,/ C.How,the D.What,the 恰有两个小孩的家庭,已知这家有一个女孩,求这家另一个孩子是男孩的概率?那这个问题的答案到底是什么? 有三个孩子的家庭 已知有一个女孩 在这种情况下求至少有一个男孩的概率 一个圆柱体的底面半径为 r 侧面展开图形是一个正方形圆柱的高是() I am going there ____ my car A.by B.in C.to D.on 怎么选How are you going to the shop meet your aunt?I am going there _my car .A by B in C on为什么不用on.on和in的区别是什么 going there ( )my car 中介词填什么?by in 还是 on 初三物理竞赛题有一辆26英寸自行车(26英寸为车轮直径,1英寸等于2.54厘米),其大牙盘有40个齿,后轮轴上的飞轮有16个齿.链条连着大牙盘和飞轮,如果车轮与地面不打滑,骑车人双脚踏车的周期是1 太阳能热水器水箱中的水,在冬天往往温度不够高,同学们在水箱中加装了“220v 2000w”的电热管,并利用“6v 1w”的小灯泡以及一段10欧每米的电阻丝,为电热管安装了1个指示灯.问:1.画出电热管 将质量为m、温度为O℃的雪(可看成是冰水混合物)投入装有热水的容器中,热水的质量为M,平衡后水温下降了t;向容器中再投入质量为2m上述同样性质的雪,平衡后容器中的水温恰好又下降了t 已知多项式x的平方-三分之一kxy-3y的平方+3xy-9中不含xy的项,求k的值 where are you going this holiday 回答beijing who are you going with? 回答parentswhen are you going? 回答this weekend She is going to Beijing (by train).对划线部分提问 Are you going to going to Beijing by plane?It's fast,but expensive.so I am not sure.I _____ take a train.a.should b.may c.must d.will请问这个题选择哪个呀?장팅팅 Jang jeong jeong Ww are thing of going to the Beijing by train哪里错了 He is going to go to Beijing by train tomorrow 对Beijing提问 can you show me how i can get to the train station 改为简单句 用 Can the bus station show you the me way to 组成一句话 Let me show you how to get the train station.(改错) Could you show me the way to railway station? can you show me how to use the washing maching这句话中how后面为什么是用不定式to use,而不是直接跟动词原形use或者using? You don't mind _ you Xiao Li,do you?A:CALL B:to all C:to calling D:calling Would you mind___I forget to call you?A.because B.though C.if D.that I would appreciate _back .A.you to call B.you call C.your calling D.you are calling I would appreciate _back this afternoon .A.you to call B.you call C.your calling D.you are calling 我选C?请给详解 appreciate后可以加that,然后you call ba he told me he would call me tomorrow和he said he would call me tomorrow一样吗?