
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:43:27
i will not have enough time to study if后句 I will not have enough time to study if, like today I"d rice some and lunch motton for 连词成句 I would like some rice for lunch 的同义句(I ____ _____ ____ some rice for lunch)急 I'd like some rice for lunch.改为一般疑问句 该同学在整理器材时发现,光屏上有教室窗户的像,这像是怎样形成的? 如图所示是一束平行的阳光从教室的窗户射入平面示意图,小强同学测量出BC=1米,NC=4/3米,BC=5/3米,AC=4.5米,MC=6米.试说明AC⊥MC,并求MA的长? 完形填空 every year many people get hurt or die in traffic accidents.lt's very important for [ ]完形填空 every year many people get hurt or die in traffic accidents.lt's very important for [ 英语翻译no cedes a las dificultades en tu ridas 作文:“别了,2013!“ 我的2013作文‘急啊!我的2013作文,明天就要交了 2013的春天,我真___ 作文范文 I’d like to have some fish rather than beef这句话什么意思 如图在平行四边形ABCD中,AM垂直于BC,AN垂直于CD,M、N为垂足,若AB=13,BM=5,MC=9.则MN的长度为 l'd like some 如图,△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠B=30°,MN垂直平分AB,若BM=3㎝,求MC的长 Many people l___ their lives in the traffic accidents every year.That's terrible. can I have some________(beef) The typhoon in Taiwan caused many people___their homes.A.to lose B.lost C.to lost D.lose请说理由 Lost of people lost their homes in the war的同义句 1.the people all over the world_____their country.A.stay loyal to B.loyal to C.loyal for D.stay loyal for2.how long has james____mary?---i don't know and i even didn't know they had____A.married to,married to B.been married with,married C.married to, People all over the world should stay devoted to their country这句话对吗? 求翻译.They queued for hours at the box office only to discover that the show was sold out. canada is a large country ------ many people from all over the world live划横线填什么?Awhich Bin which Cthat Din that ,and why? P___________ came to Shenzhen from all over the c__________. 已知,CD为一间3m高的温室,其南面窗户的底框G距地面1m,CD在地面上留下的最大影长CF已知:CD为一幢3米高的温室,其南面窗户的底框G距地面1米,CD在地面上留下的最大影长CF为2米,现欲在距C点7米 160平方米房屋的内部结构设计图房子开始建了,需要综合下设计方案,内部设计是关键 如果有人方便的话 乒乓球热涨冷缩的原理是什么?只要乒乓球的,跪求啊! 请问有什么关于符号学的书籍吗? 符号学中的能指与所指是什么意思 请符号学高手来告诉我一下这些符号的含义.在HEAVENS ABOVE上查看太阳系行星位置时看到了这些代表每颗行星的符号,我猜是和希腊神格有关,但不确定, 符号学是什么?