
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:30:07
化简(cos^2α-sin^2β)/(sin^2α*sin^2β)-cot^2αcot^2β 好的学习方法可以 怎么样?写一个 排比句~快 排比句10句 快 已知sin+cos=4/5求tan+cot 改错题:What was happened to the oldman just now. #include #include #define N 20main( ){ int a[N]={7,10,12,0,3,6,9,11,5,8},n=10,i,k,m,max,t;system("CLS");for ( i = 0; i 共有10出错误,每句最多有2处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加删除,或修改.以下是文章The Olympic Games is a great international sports festival,in that almost every nation send teams of selected athletes to take part.Both t mary works at a bank.she begin working at eight o'clock in the morning.she stops working on five o'clock in the afternoon.at five o'clock the bankcloses.everybody goes to home.some people drive home.some people take the train.somepeoples take the bus 1.\x05Most of consumers,before making a purchase,gather information and evaluate the alternatives.________2.\x05If you have always thought one TV set was as good as the next one,then it’s high time you had visited the showroom of Sony.________3.\x0 一弹簧振子在振动的过程中,振子经过a,b两点速度相等它从a到b历时0.3秒,从b再次回到a的最短时间为0.4秒,求该振子的振动频率 弹簧振子在振动过程中,振子经a、b两点的速度相等,且从a点运动到b点最短历时为0.2 s,从b点再到b点最短历时0.2 s,则这个弹簧振子的振动周期和频率分别为 ( ) A.0.4s,2.5Hz B.0.8s,2.5Hz C.0.4s,1 一弹簧振子在振动过程中,振子经A,B两点的速度相同,若它从A到B历时0.1S,从B再到A的最短时间为0.5S,Fkkkkkkkkkkkkk球该振子的振动频率为? 山中访友:面对这我们的热情欢呼,我们的朋友可能会怎样回答呢?请选择一位朋友,将它的回答写下来 登山途中,伙伴掉队了,我会用什么名句热情的招呼他们? your money can make a difference in other's life and____A you B your C yours life is to make a difference A,B两种商品售价相同,已知A商品赚了20%,B商品亏了20%,两者合算共亏了2元,求每种商品的成本价是多少元?一对场频,分两批检验,第一批比第二批多检验了18个,经检验两批商品中共有186个合格, 已知a^2+ab=-3,ab+b^2=7,试求a^2+2ab+b^2和a^2-b^2的值" 请帮我翻一下下面这句话,英译汉,@move away from niche platform environments and embrace the most widespread platforms in the market.这句话里关键是niche的翻法, 英语翻译The project rectifies this disconnect by adapting a skating rink (one of the proposed recreational programs of the new Lower Don Lands) to begin to work with,rather than against,one of the largest fresh water systems in the world. 英语翻译prospects not familiar with the Pierce products.You may change this walkaround as you see fit,again,this is all part of tailoring the presentation to your audience.For customers who are more familiar with the Pierce product line,have a ti 碱基互补配对的几个问题我知道如果题目告诉了你A+T=30%那个就可以得出A1+T1=30%和A2+T2=30%,那么我们知道A+G=50%那么为什么不能推出A1+G1=50%和A+G=50%呢?!还有假如题目告诉了你A1+G1=20%该怎么做呢 小学考试及格是多少?60?有道题要求及格率,我忘了小学及格是多少分呢.弟弟妹妹哥哥姐姐们,现在就在做! 可是公式我忘了,求公式一列数,分别是1.…以后每个数都比前面的大三,求第10000个数是什么.这题以前学过可给忘了,希望知道的人帮忙一下, 点D在AB上,三角形ABC和ADE都是等腰直角三角形,角ABC=ADE=90度,M为EC的中点,求三角形BMD为等腰直角三角形 过滤水机那个好 电气石水机水机过滤后的水生喝还是烧开后喝效果好 美的水机是什么过滤? "能芣能芣嫒孒,洇沩嫒忲痌孒,莪痌嘚赽尸孒,却呒珐妑沵莣孒! 好心人教教(第2题) 怎么做我有好几题希望好心人教教我谢谢 哪个好心人教我第九题?