
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:03:53
We sell the green shorts for $20.同义句替换The green shorts ___ ___ ___ for $20(同义句替换,每空一词) 看不懂英文版《永别了武器》英语学习高手给我提点建议怎么在9月1日前把这本书读完这是假期作业,必须完成,还要写读后感,查字典不现实,不认识的词实在太多,求英语学习高手给我提点建议 我们经常说手机漫游,那么这里的漫游如何翻译成英文呢 Attaches a Windows menu handle to a CMenu object.//英语翻译! We are proud of the four famous inventions in a_____ China.补全单词. What does the word of china mean? We are still dealing with problems _ errors made in the past.为何选resulting from with efforts 和 with effort区别 In dealing   with  publicrealations,we  should  make   every  effort   to  prevent    the  _________in  personality.   A.contact   B.contract   C.conn 英语翻译急、、、过时(今晚)不候 It is unfriendly to _____ to people in public with some food in mouths. 英语 译林谁有啊 play+n名词Play+n.什么时候要加the什么时候不加?比如说 play与琴棋要加the与球类不加the,与月份.(我只知道那2种情况)你和我说的不是差不多吗? No server is available to handle this requese如何翻译 No server is available to handle this 不懂. 生死狙击显示503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request.以前xp都好好的生死狙击显示503 Service UnavailableNo server is available to handle this request.以前xp都好好的,现在升级成win7就变成这样 What is the constitutional monarchy?提示.The United Kingdom is a ...the head of the state 国家首脑 is a king or a queen.In practice,the Sovereign reigns,but does not rule.统而不治 the country is govemed in the name of the Sovereign. what is the pivotal role of constitutional monarchy in englandhow it effect the Great Britain,thx VF循环程序设计 DO WHILE求 e=1+1/1!+ 1/2!+ ...+ 1/n!(要求1/n! 小明通过查阅资料得知,增大蔬菜大棚里空气中的CO2浓度,可以有效地提高蔬菜的产量.他计划用稀盐酸和石灰石(主要成分是CaCO3,杂质不参与反应)反应,向自家的蔬菜大棚补充CO2.经测算,小 c++程序设计设s=1+1/2+1/3+.+1/n,求与八最接近的s的值与其对应的n值.最好用到do.while语n是一个输入量是整数 vf中do while-enddo循环的嵌套怎么执行循环的?急set talk offclear dimension a(2,3)i=1do while i She can't hear with her e---填一个单词 Can you _____ a letter for me?(write)用适当形式填空 蔬菜大棚内二氧化碳的含量为什么不是越多越好 怎样给“write”在“Can you( )a letter for me to my boos?”用适当动词的形式填空 高中生物,冬季蔬菜大棚中一天内CO2的浓度变化乙图为什么不能表示冬季蔬菜大棚中一天内CO2的浓度变化,哪里错了? 503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request 谢503 Service UnavailableNo server is available to handle this request上传图片遇到这样的提示 打开风行软件总是出现503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request.是什么意 求翻译这句.She also didn’t clear off her desk, so I picked up after her.前面的意思我知道.我想知道“ after her”的意思.是表示“她走后”吗?她没收拾自己的桌子,所以她走后我给她收拾了?Yuna\x09\x09Mrs. S 翻译: 她一周前也加入了这个项目 She also ____ ____ ____ a week ago 英语的手抄报,初中的,怎么画啊~~~~(>__