
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:41:29
the book shows us how to ___ ___ too much computer games on the internet. I believe that it's good____ ____for 9 hours a night.我相信一晚睡九小时是很好的 The picture on the table ___ a computer.A makes B shows C comes D does I believe that good learning starts with curiosit汉语意思 如果太阳熄灭了,人类咋办我们都知道50亿年后太阳会变成红巨星在转变为白矮星而结束它的运动生涯,请问50亿年后人类如果不灭绝的话能逃出去吗?如果文明延续的话,人类能打破“无法抗拒 世界上有多少?脯浮动物? some disks are ( ) ( ) the computer括号里填什么单词? There are some CDs (behind the computer).就括号部分提问 玉雕寓意今天我看到一个玉雕,四厘米左右高,雕的是一个木桶上面是一只蜗牛,桶的侧面是一只青蛙,它们两个嘴对着嘴,青蛙这有什么寓意呢?或是什么传说故事? would rather 后是什么成分 关于would rather怎么would rather有时接动词原形,有时用虚拟啊? 与would rather 有关的If she'd had the chance,she'd rather have lived 100 years ago如果可能,她宁愿生活在一百年前疑问:she'd had=she had had 为什么要用两个had 呢 直接用 If she had the chance..可以么 请说明详细原 We are going to design some posters for the Computer Club Some posters __ going to __ __ for the Computer Club by us You can hang this painting on the wall of your bedroomThis painting __ __ __ on the wall of your bedroomPeople shouldn't dump the was 白鹤 埋在 三只 正在 地里 认真地 找 的鱼 造句 the differences between a plenty of and plenty of 丹顶鹤的头上的东西真的有剧毒吗? Someone waiting for All of these letters and telegrams,almost without exception,urge that the cause we have been fighting for___ A.be carried on B.being carried on C.carrying on D.to carry on 选哪个,为什么? 北洋水师为什么叫北洋水师 北洋水师为何惨败?要有依据 my dad children teacher 的名词所有格谢谢了, A lot of poeopje live here怎么念 a lot of signs here正确的翻译是什么? 高10dm宽6dm半圆柱,表面积是多少 保险丝应与什么串联在一起?开关,还是插座?插座是电源吗?为什么要串联不并联? 28.745约成4位有效数字(化学题) 关于有效数字一题 简单简单极了1.1173 的有效数字分别是______? teacher的复数所有格 would rather如果谈到过去的动作,也就是表示过去已经发生的事情在选择上不恰当.此时,主句一般为I had rather ,其(that)从句则用过去完成时.例 Would rather you had not done that.我真希望你没有做那件 家里管插座的保险合不上是什么原因家里管插座的保险跳匝了,怎么也合不上.其他照明灯都正常.自己拆了几个常用的插座看下都没问题,还是合不上.把总匝关闭后,负责家里插座开关的保险可 灯线 插座线 用一根管子灯线 、插座线、 用同一根管子有什么隐患?电工将就了房开做的预埋线管有什么隐患? Gloomy Sunda《黑色的星期天》歌词 最好带上翻译的Gloomy Sunda(黑色的星期天):《黑色的星期天》当时被人们称为?;魔鬼的邀请书?;至少有100人因听了它而自杀,因而曾被查禁长达13年之久.关于