
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:56:15
they plan to stay there for two weeks否定句,for two weeks划线部分提问 天使的真正意义我想知道所有有关天使的注解, the visitors are going to stay there for two weeks保持句意 the visitors —— ——stay there for two好的话会附加财富 love the way you lie罗马音翻译 英语翻译最好是 放一块.一句对一句的翻译 英语翻译一行一行的翻译下吧.一行中文一行英文现在呢? 英语翻译1、城里最大的商店在街对面.2、正站在那边的人看见了事故.3、这就是找到你钱的那个女孩.4、他们找正在买票的人.5、你觉得他穿着的那件衣服是在哪里买的?6、刚刚跟你说话的那 把下面的英语句子翻译和对句子的打括号部分提问,明天要交的作业,急.要翻译的: 1 Andy comes from China. 2His school is near Zhongshan Park. 3HE goes to school on foot. 4He visits his grandparents by plane 5Sometimes his Have you _____ (reply) to his letter yet?reply怎么变啊...变的时候y要不要去掉? .—Have your parents allowed you ______ his letter? —Not yet. A.replying B.to reply.—Have your parents allowed you ______ his letter? —Not yet. A.replying B.to reply C.replying to D.to reply to Have you got a letter from lucy?(改同义句) Have you ( )( ) Lucy? 殖民地一般没有好下场,而香港澳门为什么这么发达? 为什么英国殖民地的香港和澳门那么繁荣.而作为殖民地的非洲为何就那么贫穷呢?额……其实我问的是撒哈拉以南的非洲.作为葡萄牙的殖民地澳门跟作为英国殖民地的香港为什麽就那麼繁荣 香港台湾澳门那个发达? 赔偿用英语怎么说?名词的赔偿 “我会在今后的生活中加倍地补偿你”英语怎么说?我会在今后的生活中加倍的补偿你这就是我的任务英语怎么说? They have a lot of rules at their house. ————. A so do I. B so we do. C so have I. D so I have选词填空. 加解析. 谢谢 Regarding the invitation letter,we would like to share some information with you.Normally we have to submit application form and relative necessary information to our government for approval first.As we didn’t start cooperation before,the applicati 下午就去给一个小学一年级的小孩当英语家教了!讲点什么呢?她不听怎么办啊?愁死我了!快, 歌手的英文怎么写? 歌星的英语怎么写 歌星的英文怎么写? 英文单词歌手怎么写? The heart is where you are! 小学一年级英语怎样辅导? 赔款会转嫁到我们公司头上,英语怎么说“供货每延迟一天,客户就会承担3000块的罚款,而这笔罚款最终会转嫁到我们头上”英语怎么说? i have realized my mistake.i _____ what i have done.A ashamed of B am ashamed of C am ashamed by D am ashame of I was a fool to have refused the job为什么要加个have 呢如题,中文意思是,我很傻,拒绝了那份工作.(李阳老师的句子) 我自己觉得,是不是i was a fool to refuse the job,里面的have 可以不用吧. what's wrong (a It's a mistake.B I have a headache)单选 you have done mistake,you have to solve the mistake你已经做错了,你必须解决那个错误. 今年冬天会不会下大雪?拜托各位了 3Q 下大雪了