
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:00:30
( )her to be better soon A.wish B.hope C.like D.thinkwhy? 7.I'm very pleased _____ what I'm having done at the moment.A.toB.forC.withD.of满分:4 分 You did an e____job,and I'm very pleased wih you 因式分解 第(8) 科技是什么,怎么样 排比句 根据句意及首字母补全所缺单词.Don't your CDs too loud.2.Last week Linda wrote a letter to her math teather .It's him3.He to have a good rest 1.don’t play your CDs t_____.The baby is sleeping.2.They enjoyed t______ at the party last ni1.don’t play your CDs t_____.The baby is sleeping.2.They enjoyed t______ at the party last night.3.My father gave me two t_____ to the football match.4.W 关于大众传播学的问题!大众传播学中,传播效果的三个层面?这是一道简答题,要怎么回答? 我心中的蓝天主要写,在自己记忆里美好不能忘怀的事物,350字到500字 切记不要太好 要比赛的 我不想参加写得好 为什么北半球中纬度地区房屋北边的窗户,全年正午不会有阳光照射 SONY fj77c/b 的驱动出现 "This update is not intended for use with your computer model."要怎么解决?这个驱动在别的机器上也会出现同样信息 this update is not intended for us with your computer 请以“热爱科学”为题写一个排比句. 用play cd too loud造句! 求第二小题怎么证啊, 会的答,第二小题 一片什么的蓝天 高一数学第二小题必给赞 WANT TO LOVE BUT I CAN'T FOREVER什么意思如题 英语填空 The box is as large as that one the box is __英语填空The box is as large as that onethe box is __________ ________ ________ as that one 英语翻译 would you be up for some 谁知道“投桃报李”的来历?投之以桃,报之以李只是听说过,不太了解 有没有唐诗宋词啊~ 投桃报李------ 投桃报李的李是指什么? 孔子有没有说过做一件事情坚持10看必成大事的话,原文告之! 宋词的长处与不足,多写点, 投桃报李讲的是谁 有没有《童趣》与《山市》的比较阅读题两文寻其具有可比性的异同点进行比较阅读 语文课外现代文阅读没强调用自己的话总结可以用原文中的语句吗 春风又绿江南岸的绿写出了颜色和视觉,那么吹面不寒杨柳风的寒写出了( ),( )觉,