
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:07:31
《钢铁是怎样炼成的》读书笔记15篇,200字一篇 求两篇英语作文(初中水平就行)一、假设某英语杂志“奥运来了”栏目正在举办征文比赛.请你根据下面的“奥运会徽”和内容要点,用英语以“中国印——舞动北京”为题写一篇短文,参加比 初二数学难题解答水管是圆柱形物体,在施工中总是按阶梯型堆放,随着层数的增加,水管的总数如何变化?假设层数为N,总数为Y Q为双曲线上另一动点,连OQ,过C作CM垂直OQ,CN垂直Y轴于N,连MN,如图,当Q点移动时,(MC+MO)除以MN是否变化,不变,求其值,并证明你的结论 初二数学--------难题--敬请高手解答△ABC中,∠ABC=2∠C,AD平分∠BAC交BD于D求证:AB+BD=AC 求极限x-sinx/tanx^3在x趋近于0时的极限 描写秋天的荷花,或者是残荷的诗句 没有描写秋天的诗词呀!没有描写春天的诗词, 钢铁是怎样炼成的读书笔记200字就是感想啊.好词好句分析啊 高一英语 语法填空 速求 有关语法填空travelling is one of those useful ways to have a complete rest and get back to work full of energy and willingness to live.finland is a fine and mysterious far ___(north) country.there are more than two hundred thousand lakes of dif 不是说一个是可数名词 一个是不可数名词的么some suggestion 和 some advice 有什么区别i don't know how to improve my listening in ENGLISHcan i ask you for some______A IDEAB ADVICEC SUGGESTIOND ANSWER怎么选 为什么· Could you give me( )on it. A.an advice B.advices C.some pieces of advice D.advice 是不...Could you give me( )on it.A.an advice B.advices C.some pieces of advice D.advice 是不是C,D都对 Prof. Brown gave us_____. a.a piece of advices b.some advices c.some pieces of adviced. some pieces of advices CCTV-10大家(300字) 栏目的观后感和一篇CCTV-1人与自然(500字)栏目的观后感,我急需两篇文章,一篇给财富值50分两篇一共100分,写得好的话再追加50分,先悬赏50分. 观看《动物世界》或《人与自然》关于生物繁殖的观后感500字左右 正比例函数的图像与一次函数的图像交于点(3,4),两图像与y轴围成的三角形的面积为15/2,求这两个函数的解析式 .谢谢! 形容情感专一的古诗词.就像【不许人间见白头】这样的,不要烂大街的.也可以是形容和一个人共度一生的,谢谢! 人与自然读后感300字以上要在今天回答 要6篇1篇 英语小短文Different customs and manners between China and Western countriesDifferent customs and manners between China and Western countries,such as greetings/table manners/making an appointment.大概150字左右,我今天就要 There ( )some good pieces of news in today' s paper.括号里是is还是are? 是some pieces of good news 还是some good pieces of news新概念英语的一个选择题 2010年7月5篇人与自然的观后感300字 Mr Smith always has to tell us ___ .A.some good pieces of news B.some pieces of good newsC.some good piece of news D.some piece of good news 人与自然读后感300字,30篇, 几条好消息是some pieces of good news 还是some good pieces of news 错的那个的理由是什么?错在哪?要快!加钱! 求人与自然观后感300字以内! Chinese festivals and western festivals 写成对话形式 有好的追加,放心~A: You are fond of Chinese festivals because they are a part of our culture and should be handed down from generation to generation.B: You are in favor of various forei 七年级语文人教版上第三单元的词语解释,一个都不可少. 七年级语文人教版上第三单元的词语再加拼音 我不太相信,老师会骂人 some piece of good news有什么错误吗 some pieces of good news 与some good pieces of news的区别