
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:52:12


Growth needs pressure had read such an article: in Africa prairie, every morning, the first thing the sheep eyes want is: I must be more than the fastest lion faster, or I will be killed by a lion, while at the same time, the lion wakes up from sleep, flash now the first idea in mind is: I must be more than the fastest sheep runs quickly, otherwise I will starve to death. So, almost at the same time, the sheep and the lion jumped up, ran towards the sun. The pressure of survival, the sheep into running "master", the lion became savannah. In life, we are not like sheep and lion like the pressure of survival, but learning, life pressure still exists. It is because of these pressures, that we have the target, continuous progress. From ancient to modern times, successful people are under the pressure and the cause of the achievements of the. Zhou Enlai was determined: the rise of the Chinese school, so, this volunteer into his power, encourage him to study hard, unremitting efforts, step forward bravely in the national crisis, became the first Prime Minister of the new Chinese, loved by the people. In our real life, many students in order to enter a key school, every day in the book title sea mountain travel, night shift, even the weekends are on a variety of classes, learning pressure to do let us breathless, but it is also because the pressure, let us with the goal, there is hope. "Ten years no one asked, one day to know the world famous." This is for our students the most satisfactory returns. The teacher often says to us: "there is no pressure, no power." Yes, the pressure of learning, work pressure, the pressure of life, all kinds of pressure around us, but we cannot see, not to feel the pressure, however, wins the tangible, these invisible pressure has great power, encourage us to. Friends, to growing pressure, will make us study better, faster progress, success is waving to us!

英语作文九年级的学习生活压力 关于学习压力大的英语作文 九年级上册英语作文 你是怎样学习英语的 英语作文.你现在上九年级了,学习,生活和以前有不同:请你就一下几方面谈论九年级的学习...英语作文.你现在上九年级了,学习,生活和以前有不同:请你就一下几方面谈论九年级的学习和生 九年级上册英语《怎样学习英语》作文 关于初三学生学习压力大的英语作文九年级学生学习任务重,老师要求严格,不准我们做这做那,要求我们整天学习,请给老师和家长写一封信来沟通你的想法. 课外生活 英语作文最近,九年级学生是否应该参加课外活动的话题引起了很多老师,学生和家长的关注.他们的观点和理由如下理由,同意.丰富多彩的课外活动可以减轻学习的压力,同学们还可以 英语作文 中学生如何缓解学习压力 人教版九年级英语上册学习检测第二单元作文学习检测19页 有八幅图 用英语写一篇题为“Changes in People`s Life”的短文介绍现在与过去相比人们在生活方面的变化.80词左右. 关于解决学习压力大的英语作文内容就是学生学习压力大,写信帮忙解决心理压力,120词就行, 以【学习与生活】为题的英语作文 九年级英语作文,是关于中学生学习烦恼和应对方法的!急用阿 一篇关于“减少压力,更好生活”的英语作文 写一片生活压力的英语作文大神们帮帮忙 写一片生活压力的英语作文拜托了各位 九年级上册人教版英语学习之友第三单元作文 九年级上册人教版英语学习之友第三单元作文 关于学习压力大的作文