you are the apple of my

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/08 15:43:31
you are the apple of my

you are the apple of my
you are the apple of my

you are the apple of my
You are the apple of my eye.直译是‘你是我眼中的苹果’,真正意思其实是‘你是我最喜欢、最关心的人’.另一个说法是:You are the milk in my coffee.(你是我咖啡里的牛奶),咖啡加了牛奶更好喝,比喻你令我更美好.还可说:You are that special someone.(你是那个特别的人)/ You light up my life.(你点亮我的生命).

或许你曾经对你心爱的人或对你很重要的人说过:‘你是我冬天的棉被’或‘你是我夏天的冰淇淋’等肉麻字句。今天多教大家一句:You are the apple of my eye.直译是‘你是我眼中的苹果’,真正意思其实是‘你是我最喜欢、最关心的人’。另一个说法是:You are the milk in my coffee.(你是我咖啡里的牛奶),咖啡加了牛奶更好喝,比喻你令我更美好。还可说:You a...


或许你曾经对你心爱的人或对你很重要的人说过:‘你是我冬天的棉被’或‘你是我夏天的冰淇淋’等肉麻字句。今天多教大家一句:You are the apple of my eye.直译是‘你是我眼中的苹果’,真正意思其实是‘你是我最喜欢、最关心的人’。另一个说法是:You are the milk in my coffee.(你是我咖啡里的牛奶),咖啡加了牛奶更好喝,比喻你令我更美好。还可说:You are that special someone.(你是那个特别的人)/ You light up my life.(你点亮我的生命)。
Father: How did you end up being arrested? You were always a good kid.
Son: Sorry dad, I just couldn't help it. I must have a wild streak.
Father: But Adrian, you are the apple of my eye. I'm very disappointed.
Son: Well I guess this apple has gone rotten. Can you please bail me out?
Father: No.
Son: No, he didn't say no. No dad, come on dad, I'm your son.Dad come on
父亲: 你怎么会被补呢?你一向是个乖孩子。
儿子: 对不起,爸爸,我不能控制,我的确有点放荡不羁。
父亲: 但是,阿德里恩,你是我最疼爱的人,我很失望。
儿子: 我想这个苹果已经腐坏了,你可以保释我出去吗?
父亲: 不能。
儿子: 不,他没有说不。爸爸,拜托,我是你的儿子,爸爸帮帮我吧。
阿德里恩犯罪被捕,他父亲说:How did you end up being arrested? You are the apple of my eye。
这个apple其实不是说‘眼里的苹果’,而是指形状像个苹果的瞳孔,没有人不珍惜自己的瞳孔,所以the apple of one's eye就是‘某某最钟爱的人、物’,例如:She loves her children, but her youngest son is the apple of her eye(她疼爱儿女,但特别钟爱最小的儿子)。这成语的eye一字,习惯不用复数形式。
至于瞳孔,今天还可以称为the apple of the eye,但一般会叫pupil,例如:When there is less light, the pupil dilates(光线减弱,瞳孔就会扩大)。你也许会问:Pupil不是‘小学生’么?和瞳孔有什么关系?原来这个字出于拉丁文pupus(小男孩)或pupilla(小女孩)。瞳孔里的影像看来都是小人儿,所以‘小孩儿’渐渐变成‘瞳孔’的意思。
现在说How did you end up being arrested?一语。End up两字连用,是动词词组(phrasal verb),意思是‘最后成为’或‘落得……的下场’,例如:(1) He always drove recklessly, and ended up in hospital(他开车从来不顾危险,结果进了医院)。(2) He denied everything, but ended up confessing everything(他什么都否认,但最后什么都承认了)。End up多是指不好的结果,但也可以指好结果,例如:He worked hard, and ended up with a first-class honors degree(他十分努力,终于获颁一级荣誉学位)。
